Did you see our latest mobile app website
Checkout a new website for The Task at Hand
Last week we launched The Task at Hand’s new re-designed website.
Webhost agrees to pay 1m after ransomware
A webhosting company recently agreed to paying 1 million dollars to a ransomware attack that was holding its data hostage. This included 3400 customer websites.
How does a website just disappear
We heard from someone this week who’s website vanished. How does this happen? Well it…
We launched a website for a local flooring company
Last we we made another website live. This site was a re-design for a local hardwood flooring company.
Lastweek 1.5 million WordPress sites hacked
There were a lot of online news sites like BBC and even security sites like Sucuri writing about WordPress sites being hacked and even defaced last week. We had our share of repairing sites that came our way.
Does your website have a staging site
If you want to test out something new on your website its best practice to have a clone of your website in a staging environment. This is a clone of your live website in a place where you can test new plugins, themes, and custom coded additions.
How is your Google rank in the new year
Its the new year and is your rank in Google slipping? Many site owners are going to see a shuffle in their Google position this year. There are 3 big factors now to help your site do well in search
Why a website is a great end of the year tax write off
Did you know websites make for a good end of the year expense. Marketing and advertising investments are 100% tax deductible, unlike some equipment purchases that aren’t eligible for 100% deductions
Checkout our latest case studies section
We recently updated our case studies page with some of this years projects. We hope…
Portland Bike shop has a new online store
Did you know Fat Tire Farm in Portland now has an online store? These guys…