We see the commercials out there targeting individuals and small companies to use a free…
What is Web Hosting
This video might help explain web hosting. Why is it so important, what am I…
How to fix Timely Events calendar in WordPress 3.7
While updating many of our websites we noticed that the Timely Events calendar plugin was…
Installing Woocommerce on Thesis theme
WordPress Thesis theme is a common WordPress framework today. The Thesis theme allows for some…
Google SEO and hummingbird
Last month Google revealed their new algorithm, Hummingbird. This was engineered to be more precise…
Factory Reset Google Glass
If you are on the fence about whether or not to factory reset your Glass,…
WordPress Backup and Security services for your website
We now get to offer full daily WordPress backups with version history, and the ability…
Tips to stop WordPress Spam
No matter how popular your blog is, the amount of spam a website receives is…
Check out our latest broadcast TV commercial for Pioneer Pacific College
Take a gander at our latest TV commercial for broadcast. This was filmed and edited…
Is your website producing results
There comes a point in every website’s life when you realize the web design is…
Invest in your website like you would your car
When I think of buying a new car, I think of the price first and…
How to increase WordPress memory limit
WordPress itself is a robust website with some heavy code. You can make WordPress faster…
Brand New Website
We just put up our new collective website last week. The portfolio section is still…