Missouri Poison Center: TikTok

Setup, Launch, and Growth Campaign for a new TikTok Account


The Missouri Poison Center offers life-saving assistance 24/7/365

The Missouri Poison Center is a member of America’s Poison Centers and is a federally-funded governmental organization that provides emergency poison assistance online and over the phone within the state of Missouri. The organization also engages in poison prevention education, advocacy, and research.

The Missouri Poison Center needed to reach a new and younger audience. They wanted to create fun and educational content to provide poison prevention education to a new generation.


Missouri Poison Center


  • Brand Identity
  • Content Strategy
  • Marketing
  • Social Media


Jul, 2023

tik tok image man asking for questions
tik tok page displayed in a smarphone


Creating a strategy that engages Gen Z

The Missouri Poison Center needed to figure out a way to engage a younger audience, and they trusted NW Media Collective to develop a strategy that worked. To accomplish their objective, we recommended launching their brand on the most popular app used by Gen Z: TikTok. The young, tech-savvy generation is known for being wary of ads, so the content had to catch their attention and be enjoyable to watch.

young adults smiling and looking at a smartphone

what we did

TikTok video creation, organic publishing & advertising

To help the Missouri Poison Center share important poison prevention information with young Missourians, we developed a strategy that blended organic and paid tactics, incorporating entertaining and educational themes. Our approach enabled the Missouri Poison Center to engage in authentic messaging and build trust among Gen Z, which is a notoriously challenging demographic to reach for many organizations. We delivered our strategy primarily through two campaigns: #PoisonPrevention and #AskMOPoison.

#PoisonPrevention Campaign

This series included both organic and paid videos. We used data from the Missouri Poison Center’s other marketing channels to identify popular topics that would resonate with a younger audience. We then created educational but relevant videos that spread poison information awareness. Our strategy also included using native-style video features like Stitching, Duets, and Trending Sounds to help our organic videos gain traction without advertising.

#AskMOPoison Campaign

Through a Q&A format, we helped the Missouri Poison Center earn user-generated content (UGC). UGC is significant because it helps establish trust and organically grow your community. We asked their fast-growing audience to leave their poison-related questions in the comments of videos, and each month, we created videos in response to their questions.

line graph showing steep increase in followers in 2022
bar graph showing biggest audience age between 18 and 24


Earned 2000 followers & 20,000 likes for a new account in less than one year

We’re excited to share the success story of our client’s TikTok channel. With our expertise, we added nearly 2000 highly-engaged followers and over 20,000 likes to their account in less than one year.

We didn’t stop there. We also created a streamlined system for directly answering their audience’s questions on the platform. This new system helped build trust and establish a loyal fan base. Plus, Missouri youth became more aware of poison risks and what to do in an emergency.

Does TikTok sound like the right channel for your organization? Learn more about our social media marketing services.

Our organization has been working with NW Media Collective for a couple of years, and our experience has been very positive. They have assisted with our social media content development and SEO, developed an app, and a full website re-do: www.missouripoisoncenter.org. The team is creative, innovative, and easy to work with. They have made the process very smooth for us.

Amanda Ruback, MSN, RN, CSPI
Community Outreach Coordinator
Missouri Poison Center