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WordPress updates to version 4.4

The latest WordPress update is version 4.4 and was released December 9th. If your site isn’t running 4.4, plan on updating to it before the new year. There are a lot of added features this time around to help your online presence.


People access the internet through various mobile devices. This leads to a lot of hassle on the part of the viewer, and the developer. Its important to show off your website in its best light no matter how the visitors views your tite

Version 4.4 fixes this problem with the launch of responsive images. WordPress will now load an appropriate image, based on the viewers device.


The JSON-based Rest API now comes as a part of the WordPress core. It will allow WordPress developers to creat new APIs or work on existing APIs.

With the API infrastructure now a part of the core, end points are still available through plugins. Authors can utilise REST API by adding custom end points.


WordPress until now used wp_title() for title generation. Version 4.4 has replaced it with a more comprehensive way to generate titles.

Plugin authors can now check for theme support and have a few new filters available that will allow them to change or replace the title in a reliable way.

Overall version 4.4 has many new features for the users to be excited about. This feautes will certainly improve the performance of the sites and add a more sturdy base to work with.

Does your WordPress site have a maintenance plan?  The reason we offer these plans is to help clients navigate these updates.  Check out our WordPress Maintenace Plans

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