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Why you should use Schema Markup for website SEO

Data schema and other structured markup formats have been around for years, but few sites even bother to include schema microdata on their website, and even less people actually know what schema is or what it’s for.

Schema is a type of microdata that makes it easier for search engines to parse and interpret the information on your web pages more effectively so they can serve relevant results to users based on search queries.

You can read more at they are the centralized home on the web for the Schema project, a collaboration between Google, Bing, Yahoo! and Russian search engine Yandex.

Now Including schema microdata in your website code can help search engine crawlers interpret the content of your pages more effectively. This, in turn, can increase your website visibility. However, it’s important to note that including schema in your code is not a quick SEO boost. Schema is like best practice to make it easier for search engines to find and display your website content.

Google claims that the inclusion of schema microdata is not currently used as a ranking signal. However, it does improve your site’s rich snippets, which can help your site appear more prominently in SERPs.  This rich snipet is what we are after. These are the google results that tend to look a little more filled out. Some have extra links to inner pages, and others may even show the star rating in the organic results.

Marking up your pages with schema microdata can be kind of a pain, especially if your site has a lot of pages. The markup has to be added manually to each page, which is a lot of work for larger websites. We’ve been adding this now for our ongoing clients in order to keep with best practices.

You might hear us talk about adding schema to your website. We want to do our part as your website experts to best align your site with Search Engine best practices.

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