WordPress only website hosting
$99 – $249/Month
You are now an email, phone call, or even a text message a way from having your website hosted on one of the most secure WordPress hosting platforms.
$99 – $249/Month
You are now an email, phone call, or even a text message a way from having your website hosted on one of the most secure WordPress hosting platforms.
Recieve deep discounts on our hourly rate for as long as the site is on the maintenance plan.
Whats included? Read the Guide
Read more on our plans on the website maintenance and security page
Read more about Unlimited Maintenance FAQ’s
After years of professional maintenance for WordPress websites, we’ve come up with a web hosting and maintenance solution. We setup a managed VPS (Virtual Private Server) and include our maintenance programs. You can still order our WordPress Website Maintenance separately, but our fully managed solution helps us provide better management over your website.
Most websites use shared hosting. This is when you share server space with other websites. This tends to lead to problems say if a site next to yours is hacked or is using up too many resources.
We setup VPS hosting. A Virtual Private Server is your own virtual space blocked off from neighbor websites. Our installs have their own set of resources allocated to their websites. There is also a WAF (web application firewall) setup in front of each install.
We offer managed hosting for WordPress. We take your site, scan it, and put it into our environment. From here, we handle all the WordPress and plugin updates, and daily website backups. You get reports each month for what is being updated on the site.
Our solution does not offer email hosting, best practices are to keep your email and website files seperate. We prefer to help setup Gsuite by Google, or Zoho Mail for your business emails. We have over 20 years of DNS management and domain services, and have have helped companies of all sizes move their websites and email.
Our managed hosting services are billed monthly, use the form below to signup.