Twin Oaks Nursery
Logo & website refresh for local nursery
Twin Oaks Nursery has a rich local history and came to us with a website problem
At the core, Twin Oaks was focused on growing their business by focusing on new and unique plants more suited to the smaller, urban yards and gardens of the northwest rather than those of the more traditional, large-scale gardens. Smaller, more compact and in many cases producing full size fruit, these plants are more sustainable in a community where available land for gardening continues to shrink and planting in yards or containers is becoming more popular.
Just a website wanting to help out the local hobby farmer. At the time Twin Oaks website had suffered a number of website hacks. Visitors couldn’t navigate to information and they didn’t have a way to let visitors buy wholesale online.
Twin Oaks Nursery
- Brand Identity
- Design & Development
Mar, 2015

Site and hosting security, brand identity, wholesale ordering
Brand identity. They didn’t feel like the logo was a good representation of their business. It’s a good time to refresh the brand when we are going to redesign the website.
Their site kept getting hacked and this would break so visitors couldn’t use their website.
There wasn’t an easy way for online visitor to look online for what was available to buy wholesale.

what we did & results
Designed a new logo, built a new website, and created a new wholesale part on their site
They needed a new website, and they wanted a new brand identity so it allowed us to help design a new logo for Twin Oaks Nursery. Our website design could then develop around the new look for the brand.
We moved them to new hosting and setup a local web application firewall to help keep the hack scripts from coming back.
They wanted to offer a way for visitors to get a list of their wholesale plants online. It also needed to be something they could manage each month and change on the website themselves.