Looking for live streaming companies in Vancouver and Portland?
Do you need something recorded and online now? Do you want a co-editor to edit something as it’s being shot? Do you simply want to stream something live? With our LiveStream Box, we can shoot and upload video from almost anywhere at any time. Shoot blogs, webcasts, conferences, and other events to be broadcast live.
Live streaming comes about for numerous reasons and in many forms. Whether you want multicasting so folks in other locations can view and participate at the same time, or you want folks from home to be able to participate in a live presentation – our live streaming video production company has both in-house capabilities and a large network of other live video streaming companies. We also have the experience to determine what will be the best fit for your live video streaming needs and budget.
Recent Live Streaming Video Projects
- Live video streaming for Ft. Vancouver Regional Libraries – they had an author presenting and we multicasted it to the entire library network. Folks could ask questions from all around the state.
- Live video streaming for a focus group market research project, when the team on the east coast wanted to tune in to the group in real-time
- Live streaming presentations so the Facebook and online community can tune in from around the globe. Facebook live is great, but Facebook live with professional video and audio is so much better.
Ask yourself these questions about livestreaming:
- What am I hoping to get out of livestreaming both during and after the event
- Do I need to edit together multiple inputs during the recording?
- Will I be in a studio or do I need to be mobile or on location?
- How many cameras and inputs do I want for the video?
- What’s my budget and timeline?
Give that some thought then contact us for help navigating the big world of live video streaming or learn more about our other video production services here.