Website Rescue

Everyone knows someone who had a bad website experience. Over the years we have heard people talk about it taking months just to get a coming soon page up.  There was even one person who paid out the project total ($4000.00) to a person in a coffeeshop. They never saw this person again…  Web people are flaky, its a problem.

What if you can’t get ahold of your web person?

Half the new clients that come to us say this in the first meeting.  This is our norm, but there are things that make this a sticky situation.  Mostly with finding logins.

Ideally, you the business owner have the login to your domain Registar (hopefully at a tier 1 domain company like Godaddy, Network Solutions, or  You need this to Point the domain to new hosting or email services.

The domain is the top level login, and if you can’t login to an account and see your domain name or a settings area with the domain in it, you might not actually have control of your own domain.


Everything should be in the business owners name

Sometimes its easier for a web person to just setup all these accounts for you.  The problem is when they use a reseller account, or simply don’t hand over the logins before they disappear.

3 Important logins business owners should have

  • Domain name login
  • Web hosting login
  • Website admin login (if the site has a backend edit area)

Domain wrangling

There are times when we need to help find what accounts are holding these domains, or help tracking down company phone numbers to help us regain control of a website. This is where we come in. If you want some help wrangling some of your web entities, contact us.